10 Best Flowers To Grow In Winter Seasons

winter flowers

Winters might feel like a dead silence when selective flowers can grow in the garden. However, there are some options that go perfectly despite the cold weather and lack of nutrients in the soil.

Here, we have the top 10 best flowers for you to grow this winter season!


When it comes to gardening, regardless of the seasons, marigolds are known as a favorite by gardeners.

These flowers can bloom easily, especially in the milder climates. Also, they can repel pests, making the garden friendly for future seasons.

As per the study, Marigolds require optimal temperatures between 18 – 20 Celsius degrees for their profuse growth.

Besides the temperature, the marigolds need to have organic and well-drained soil.  Also, the soil should be moderately moist instead of overly dry or watering.


Pensies are a colorful option, especially if you are looking to make your garden look vibrant even in the cold season.

The types are available in white, purple, red, and yellow. Besides the colorful appearance, pansies are suitable for garden beds and pots. Also, it makes it easy to move them, so you can keep them either in full sun or partial shade, depending on the requirement.

As Sheriff Saunders from the University Of Arkansas suggested, “ Installing pansies in the same bed right over the bulbs makes the emerging and blooming process faster. This makes additional colors while they are in the foliage ripening stage.


They are also popularly known as sweet williams or pinks. You can consider dianthus to add a fragrance to your garden.

They are also available in different shades, such as red and pink. Also, if you are looking to make your borders and rock garden look pretty, consider planting these to add color throughout the season.

Dianthus prefers to have full sun for growth.  The soil should be well drained and rich with good nutrients, but keep the top inch of soil moisture whenever it feels dry.

Sweet Alyssum 

To those gardeners looking for low-growing plants, Sweet Alyssum is for you!  They require full sun or partial shade along with well-drained soil. Rest assured, they can handle it without requiring much attention or care.

Compared to other flowers, sweet alyssum thrives even in normal soil without the need for fertilizer. However, they do need nutrients for blooming.

These grow in small cluster forms, usually purple or white in color. Not only do they add fragrance to your garden, but they are also ideal for filling gaps in ground cover or garden beds.

Winter Jasmine 

Winter Jasmine comes with bright yellow flowers popping in cold seasons. This makes your garden stand out with its vibrant splash of color.

The flower itself is called Yingchun in China,  which means a flower that welcomes spring.

To grow the winter jasmine, the soil must be well drained and full of sun. If you are growing against a French wall, the stem can be trained up using wire or trellis.


Snapdrags thrive in winter, especially at night time when the temperature is lower than the 40s.

The flowers are known for their dragon-like face shape, pressed together, making it ideal for a vintage cottage vibe in your garden. These are available in three different heights, including dwarf, intermediate, and tall.

When planting these flowers, make sure to keep them in a sunny area to ensure spoil quality is good. Snapdragons don’t grow well in the shade.

Also, they require space when they are planted to avoid the dense and fungal growth-like issue.


Cornflower is an ideal pick for a winter garden because of its brilliant and crisp blue color. These are also known as the bachelor’s button.

Besides the color blue, these can be available in multiple colors, such as deep burgundy, black, red, purple, white, and pink. If you are looking to add drama and height to your display, cornflowers are your ideal pick.

While gardening, the soil should be prepared to have good drainage and organic matter.

Also, it should not be soggy. Instead, go for watering enough to keep the soil moist on a daily basis. The stem or root can rot quite easily, so be sure not to do waterlogging.


These star-shaped flowers are easy to spread and can end up flooding with small and placed lavender blue color flowers.

Starflowers are versatile, requiring a little maintenance to grow. These are also known as ipheion, and ideally, they are planted to create a carpet of color in the garden.

When planting these flowers, make sure to keep the soil well drained and water moderately. Also, to grow in masses, they prefer to have partial or full sun.


Snowdrops are one of the plants that don’t really bother with winter. These are known as Galanthus and have a droopy white flower.

Despite the freezing temperature or snow-covered areas, these flowers bloom at their best.

If you are looking to plant a flower that suits the winter blues, these are for you! Besides being a great investment, they multiply each year as snowdrop bulbs set from around mother bulbs, allowing them to spread.


Camellias are ideal for adding color to your garden during the winter season. There are various types, but the variety of C. Japonica can handle low temperatures in cold seasons.

They quite resemble roses, making them a perfect choice to make the garden look sophisticated and elegant.  Also, these are suitable for gifting for romantic dates or anniversaries.

However, the flowers require proper attention and care. When you prepare the soil, it should be well-drained and acidic to make camellias grow at their best. They don’t prefer direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves; instead, they go for partial shade.

Winter gardening might need more care and attention, but these flowers make it worth it. All those who are looking for a beautiful garden this winter can consider these to make their garden aesthetic look appealing and thriving regardless of the season!