Wonderful 14+ Flowers that Start with R With Photos

List of Flowers that Start with R

  • Roses
  • Ranunculus
  • Rhododendron
  • Rudbeckia
  • Russian Sage
  • Rock Cress
  • Rose Mallow
  • Rain Lily
  • Rock Rose
  • Rue
  • Red Hot Poker
  • Rhodora
  • Rhubarb
  • Rattlesnake Master

Spring can be considered the season when many spectacular beautiful flowering plants bloom, all with their unique charm. Among these, flowers that start with the letter ‘R’ provide a rich tapestry of colors and forms that certainly warm the hearts of gardeners and flower lovers. Ranunculus, with blooms that are large and very rose-like, is high on the list for both wedding bouquets and garden displays, flaunting rich yellow, pink, and orange hues. Belonging to temperate climates, these perennial flowers are strong and provide a kaleidoscope of colors transitioning from blue to purple.


In the land of the wild and tropical flora lies the blooming Roscoe repend. It’s sometimes deceitful that these common yet remarkable breeds of flowers are often mistaken as orchids; one would never notice how they differ. The red Roscoea is one of nature’s artworks wherein thorns and a neat arrangement of petal architecture satiate one’s gardener’s eyes. Those looking for a general list of flowers, which look like roses but instead have something about them that is very different than the Rosa rugosa can be a must-have. For more information, you can refer to our blog on Flowers that Start with Q.

This flowering plant has a reputation not only for hardiness and adaptability but also for the variety it has in the terrains it flourishes in across America, from coastal dunes to mountainous regions. The names lead to the magnificent views surrounded by resilient blooms. Exploring the many names of these purple and blue wonders makes the botanical vocabulary come alive and enhances appreciation for the diversity of nature’s flowering plants.

Roses – Flowers that Start with R

Number of speciesOver 150 Species And Thousands Of Varieties
Blooming PeriodLate Spring To Fall, With Some Varieties Blooming Repeatedly Throughout The Season
SymbolismRed Roses Symbolize Love And Passion

Roses do the best in well-drained, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5. Mulching with compost will add more nutrients to the soil besides maintaining soil structure. Besides, the addition of compost can be done in the autumn and springtime since this is the best way to add nutrient-rich matter to the soil. In addition, roses like deep watering with water provided at the base of the plant. This encourages deep root growth and reduces the chance of fungal diseases on the leaves.

It is part of the essential work on rose bushes to give them a well-pruned appearance and enough food to ensure that they bring forth what is expected of them: healthy growth and abundant bloom. The best time to prune roses is in early spring, just as new growth begins. Remove any dead or diseased wood and cut back the remaining stems to shape the plant and encourage new growth. Deadheading spent flowers throughout the growing season also helps to stimulate continuous blooming.


Number of speciesAbout 1,700 Species
Blooming PeriodSpring To Early Summer, With Some Varieties Blooming In Late Winter In Milder Climates
SymbolismGenerally Symbolizes Radiant Charm And Attractiveness

Brightly colored with multilayered petals, ranunculus flowers are defined by horticulturists. Available in red, yellow, pink, and orange, ranunculus blooms are spring annuals, gaining great popularity for wedding bouquets and flower arrangements. They like full sun with well-drained soil.

Planting Ranunculus tubers should be installed with great care so that their establishment is good. Soak the tubers in water some hours before planting. This eases their rehydration, and they sprout more quickly. There should be well-drained soils to plant the tubers at a depth of about 2 inches, and the distance between them should be 4 to 6 inches wide apart. The “claws” of the tuber must be facing downward.

The Ranunculus plants require adequate moisture but do not like excessive waterlogging. Water them regularly, especially during dry periods, but allow the soil to dry slightly in between waterings to prevent root rot. Leaves are known to help give a better environment for growing due to their ability to retain moisture in the soil and reduce weed growth.

Rhododendron – Flowers that Start with R

Number of speciesApproximately 1,024 Species
Blooming PeriodLate Winter To Early Summer, Depending On The Species
SymbolismCaution And Danger; In Some Cultures, It Is A Symbol Of Elegance And Beauty

Rhododendrons are large, evergreen shrubs with cluster bell-shaped flowers that come in pink, purple, red, and white within the same species. Rhododendrons additionally require acidic dirt. These bushes broadcast a somewhat tropical feel, perhaps emulating the jungle.

The secret on how to grow healthy rhododendrons is the provision of appropriate soil conditions. Rhododendrons thrive well in acidic soils, preferring well-drained conditions with a pH of 4.5 to 6.0. For those with a naturally higher pH than that, you can add peat moss or some other organic matter to it to bring it down. And of course, make sure the site has good drainage, as waterlogged conditions will promote root rot.

Rhododendrons require the careful management of a fine line when it comes to watering. They need to stay evenly moist, but at the same time, overwatering can also render them vulnerable to root rot. Water the plants thoroughly but less frequently. Water more so during dry spells, but be sure the soil is somehow dry before the next wetting. Keeping organic mulch applied around its base helps retain moisture to maintain the coolness of its roots.


Number of speciesAbout 25 Species
Blooming PeriodMid-Summer To Early Fall
SymbolismSymbolizes Encouragement And Motivation

Also known as Black-eyed Susans, Rudbeckias are yellow and dark-centered cheerful flowers. They are annual or perennial plants that bloom beginning from late summer to fall. The daisies are easy to grow; they require full sun and well-drained soil. The flowers are also drought-tolerant.

Rudbeckias will perform well in almost any kind of soil, so long as it is free-draining. The best place is considered sunny—no less than six hours of direct sun daily. Plant Rudbeckias with a spacing distance between 12–18 inches, allowing a good passage of air, thus no spread of the disease.

Some of the advantages of growing Rudbeckias include drought tolerance once established. The plants tolerate dry conditions excellently and can be great for low maintenance. Still, consistent watering during the first growing season helps to establish a strong root system. Deadheading can encourage repeated flowering while prolonging the flowering period.

Russian Sage – Flowers that Start with R

Russian Sage
Number of speciesMainly Perovskia Atriplicifolia
Blooming PeriodMid To Late Summer
SymbolismRepresents Wisdom And Longevity

Russian sage is a hardy perennial whose blue or lavender flowers bloom in spiky plumes. Drought-tolerant and blooming late summer to fall. Russian Sage prefers full sun and well-drained soil and is well suited to xeriscaping.

Homeowners will have extremely little trouble growing Russian sage. It will grow quite well in poor to average soil, and it will tolerate a wide range of pH. Most importantly, the site should be well-drained to avoid root rot. Russian sage should be planted in full sun with at least six hours of direct sunlight.

Once established, Russian Sage plants are extremely drought-tolerant. Water regularly during the first growing season to establish a strong root system. After the first year, deep water occasionally allows natural rainfall to suffice. Pruning the plants back in early spring helps to maintain their shape and encourage new growth.

Rock Cress

Rock Cress
Number of speciesAround 110 Species In The Genus Arabis
Blooming PeriodSpring
SymbolismRepresents A Sense Of Belonging And Safety

Rock Cress is a small, fragrant perennial ground cover blooming in shades of purple, pink, or white, during the start of spring. This blooms best in well-drained soil locations and full/partial sun areas and is a great backdrop for gardens and borders.

This makes Rock Cress an easy plant to grow—it’s a pretty simple little customer. It does take the position of having well-drained soil and tolerates very well the rocky or sandy conditions, being appropriate for rock gardens. When you’re planting, locate Rock Cress where it is going to receive something like four to six hours of sun a day.

Provide Rock Cress with regular watering until well-established during its first growing season to build a strong root system. Rock Cress is mostly drought-tolerant and virtually maintenance-free after establishment. Deadheading the flowers promotes continual blooming plus hides the old ones.

Rose Mallow – Flowers that Start with R

Rose Mallow
Number of speciesAbout 200 Species
Blooming PeriodSummer To Early Fall
SymbolismAssociated With Delicate Beauty And New Beginnings

This is a tropical perennial known by most individuals as Rose Mallow or Hibiscus plant, which is upright growing, producing huge showy flowers of such colors as pink, red, and white. It blooms during the summer to fall season and grows best in moist, well-drained soil and under full sun. With its picturesque nature, hibiscus is a common plant used in various gardening and even landscaping practices.

Rose Mallow planting thrives best in sunny areas that ensure it gets a minimum of six hours per day of direct sunlight. These plants grow on rich, correctly drained soil, with adequate moisture but not soggy. Organic matter, like compost, improves soil fertility and also well improves drainage.

Rose Mallow plants require a continuous supply of moisture, especially during periods of hot, dry weather. Water regularly to maintain the soil in a moist condition but not waterlogged. Mulch around the base of the plants to retain moisture and help in controlling weeds. Prune in late winter or early spring to shape the plants and stimulate new growth.

Rain Lily – Flowers that Start with R

Rain Lily
Number of speciesApproximately 70 Species In The Genus Zephyranthes
Blooming PeriodAfter Rainfall, Typically In Late Summer
SymbolismSignifies Hope And Renewal

The bulbous perennials, commonly known as rain lilies, bloom after periodic rainfall. They produce small star-shaped flowers in pink, white, and yellow colors. The preferred conditions are well-drained soils and full sun to partial shade. They are ideal for bringing color to garden beds and borders.

It’s easy and rewarding to plant rain lilies. The plants thrive best in well-draining soils and can be put to a range of pH. Plant bulbs 2-3 inches deep, spaced 4-6 inches apart. Rain lilies prefer full sun but will grow in partial shade.

The Rain Lilies are relatively low maintenance once established and would only need some watering. They are particularly adapted to areas with wet and dry seasons because they bloom in response to rainfall. Application of balanced fertilizer at intervals during the growing seasons usually gives rise to good growth and bloom.

Rock Rose

Rock Rose
Number of speciesAround 20 Species In The Genus Cistus
Blooming PeriodLate Spring To Early Summer
SymbolismRepresents Endurance And Vitality

Rock Roses are flowering drought-tolerant shrubs that sparkle with papery flowers in pink, white, and yellow colors. They are blooming shrubs in late spring and all through summer in a well-drained sunny locale. They work well in a rock garden and dry landscape.

Growing Rock Roses is very easy since this species is very adaptive and tough. They do best in well-drained soils and can grow under rocky and sandy situations. Plant a Rock Rose where it will get at least six hours of direct sunlight every day.

Second, Rock Roses do not require additional watering once rooted, so they also fit quite nicely into xeriscaping. Water them regularly during the first growing season to help them establish a strong root system. Pruning back the plants after flowering can encourage new growth and maintain their shape.


Number of speciesAbout 40 Species In The Genus Ruta
Blooming PeriodLate Spring To Early Summer
SymbolismSignifies Regret And Sorrow

It is a perennial evergreen herb with yellow lacy flowers that sway in the breeze. It blooms in summer and prefers well-drained soil and lots of sun in full or partial shade. The plant has medicinal properties through which rue is ascribed. Its major application is reflected in traditional and herbal remedies.

Rue can be grown in a well-drained soil medium and a sunny location with full potential; it can tolerate a soil medium of poor quality. Occur invasive a minimum of six hours a day, Rue grows in sites with direct sunlight. It is deer resistant as it can fend off other growing conditions indicative of most domesticated species.

Rue plants are rather low on maintenance after the phase of getting well rooted. The first growing season entails regular watering to enable the plant to develop a proper root system. Consequently, the plants will be able to withstand a lack of moisture quite well and will need very little watering. The plants may be pruned back after flowering to promote new growth and maintain shape.

Red Hot Poker – Flowers that Start with R

Red Hot Poker
Number of speciesAround 70 Species In The Genus Kniphofia
Blooming PeriodLate Spring To Early Fall
SymbolismRepresents boldness and strength

Commonly known as red hot poker or torch lily, Kniphofia is a pretty perennial with tall spikes of tubular-shaped flowers in shades from red through orange to yellow. Blooming is initiated in the summer and continues into autumn; it prefers full sun and well-drained soil conditions. At providing stature and color in the garden border, red hot pokers can’t be better at this function.

Growing Red Hot Poker requires a sunny location with well-drained soil. This plant thrives well in poor to average soils and can manage a range of pH. You should grow red hot poker where, at the very least, six hours of direct sun will shine on it towards the day.

Once established, Red Hot Pokers are fairly drought tolerant and will need little if any water at all. Water moderately through the initial growing season to establish a well-developed root system. Cutting the plants back after blooming to encourage new growth and keep them in shape may help.


Number of speciesPrimarily Refers To Rhododendron Canadense
Blooming PeriodEarly Spring
SymbolismRepresents Elegance And Beauty

This deciduous shrub sports bright pink or purple flowers in early spring. It does best in well-drained acidic soil and partial shade. Rhodora is often found in bogs and wetlands and adds color to natural landscapes.

Growing Rhodora is best in soil that is between 4.5 and 6.0 on the pH scale. Though Rhodora normally grows in acidic soil, it acclimates incredibly well if put into soil heavy on clay in pH. Add peat moss or other organic matter to the landscape to lower the pH. This shrub should be situated in a part sun area, as too much direct sunlight scalds it.

The Rhodora plants require constant moisture, especially during extended periods of drought. Water them quite regularly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged all the time. Mulching around where the roots are, but a little distance away from them, will also help in retaining moisture for longer while keeping the roots cool. Pruning the plant after flowering will need to give the plant a good shape and commemorate the new shoots or branches’ growth.

Rhubarb – Flowers that Start with R

Number of speciesAbout 60 Species In The Genus Rheum
Blooming PeriodSpring
SymbolismRepresents Patience And Endurance

Rhubarb is among the hard perennial vegetables whose green leafstalks have a tart flavor. Large green leaves at the top and clusters of small, greenish-white flowers that bloom from late spring through early summer characterize it. Rhubarb grows best in well-drained, rich soil and full sun to partial shade.

Rhubarb enjoys cultivation under full sun combined with fine well-drained soil. These plants thrive best in rich, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. Sow the crowns of rhubarb in early spring or fall, allowing the crowns 3-4 feet space between them so there is room for good air circulation around them.

Rhubarb needs a sufficient amount of moisture for proper growth. Water it regularly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged at all times during growth. Mulching around the plants will help retain moisture and control weeds. Harvest stalks that are firm and at least 12 inches long, but in moderate amounts at a single-cut period to let it keep growing.

Rattlesnake Master

Rattlesnake Master
Number of speciesMainly Eryngium Yuccaifolium
Blooming PeriodMid-Summer To Early Fall
SymbolismSignifies Protection And Healing

Eryngium yuccifolium, also called Rattlesnake Master, is distinguished by leathery blue-green leaves and small, round, white, or greenish flowers that show up in mid-to-late summer. This one tolerates very well-drained soil and full sun. This plant is great for prairie and wildflower gardens.

Rattlesnake Master can be grown in soil that drains well and in full-sun locations. This plant needs a lot of different types of soil. Some of these types are heavy clay and light sandy or rocky soils. Place plants in the landscape in locations containing 6 or more hours of direct sunlight daily.

Plants of Rattlesnake Master are drought tolerant and have good establishment when provided with water sparingly; during their first growth season, they need regular watering to develop a good root system. After that, it should survive on natural rainfall. Pruning plants back after flowering will invigorate new growth and retain the shape of your plants.

Conclusion Of Flowers that Start with R

Flowers that start with R can add color and texture to your garden. From the classic beauty of roses to the unique styles of ranunculus, or really rhododendrons, there is just the right selection of flowers for each type of garden. Remember the specific needs of each plant regarding sunshine, soil, and water for a blooming garden.

Add these flowers to your garden, and you shall have a colorful, varied landscape blooming with flowers at different times of the year. Enjoy the beauty and charm of flowers that start with R, and happy gardening!